Saturday, April 24, 2010


Note: Today's prompt is First Things First. There was more, but this is my first things first.

I crouch on the cold edge
of the bright blue dumpster,
the same high school blue
that looked so good with the gold stripe
on the boys' football uniforms.

My boy, my prom night gift,
is solemn this October morning,
fingers entwined in the red plastic mesh
of our overflowing shopping cart,
half covered with muddy black plastic,
protecting a damp heap of charity clothes
and army surplus.

The alley's first shaft of sunlight
makes my cracked fingers look
as if I've just been fingerprinted.
A sleek brown rat dashes up
from the stinking metal box,
fearless, it scrabbles
across my knuckles and down
to the oily pavement, disappearing
into the sewer grate.

Teetering, I gasp, and my boy,
his lip adorned with a worm of green snot,
shoots his wide eyes up at me,
where I cling like an overgrown squirrel
on the rim of the container.

Still refusing to commit myself
to the slippery innards of the dumpster,
I reach one hand toward the tattered
foil packets that spill crumbled
remains of baked potatoes.

Breakfast, or maybe it is lunch time already,
I don't want to know.
I want the taste of the mealy potato,
and maybe the pleasure
of smooth butter on my tongue
before I continue my rounds for the day.

I almost duck down when I hear a car drive
into the alley, but my eyes flash to my boy,
who turns and touches his forehead
to the cold blue of the dumpster.
My unwilling eyes are drawn to the sheer boxy shape
of the squinting white movement.
Through the glass, and through the ghost
of my own image reflected on the windshield,
I meet the stare of my best friend from high school.

For one tiny moment,
as she glides by in her metal capsule,
I see a flash of brake lights,
before the vehicle lumbers
into the bank parking lot
around the corner.


Unknown said...

Mygod, you put me there with you. Even on no sleep, you fling out images that pull us in.

sing4u said...

This one got me right in the gut. Pauline

Lee Lawton said...

Thank you amigas!