Monday, April 19, 2010

Over the Hill

Note: Today's prompt was to write a poem based in the French word eclater, which is interpreted as kind of a light bulb moment. This poem came from an artistic endeavor I participate in each year, called The She Project This wonderful event provides a prompt to each participant, and participants have only 2 hours to prepare a piece of visual art in response to that prompt. Last year, my prompt was "she was over the hill". I must admit that I wasn't very happy about that prompt at first, and then I surprised myself with what came out of it, both as visual art and as a poem. I am suffering from too much work right now, so I have pulled a poem from my knapsack for today.

She was over the hill
and into the woods
where silence
took her pack
gave her peace
and bird song

She was over the hill
the longest hill
of forgiveness
of letting go
of letting be
of being
quite comfortably
over the hill

She was over the hill
and paces down
the other side
when she looked
and saw
she had ever
bird song

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Fantastic! Your words, even if they came from your knapsack, light up my days. This one paints happy/sad pictures. Inevitability, I think, but mixed with hope.