Monday, April 12, 2010

Bare-Breasted Women

They were eating cherries
in Barcelona
on the day my grandma died.
She left me her apricot tree,
a closet full of rag rugs,
and a black and white photo
of her with a palm tree
coming out of her head.

She promised me her Victrola,
but my mom's cousin
took it, and then somehow
another cousin bought it,
and the last I knew,
my mom's cousin's daughter
had it, and that was goodbye
RCA Victor for me.

In Sierra Leone,
they were still selling people,
at least that is what National Geographic
said, with a full color spread
of a market, and some bare-breasted
women, which were okay to look at
in National Geographic,
but not to see anywhere else.

I haven't eaten a decent apricot in decades,
not since we sold the place.
Now the trees I climbed are 40 feet tall,
and the rag rugs are reverting.
I don't know about Barcelona's cherries,
but the palm tree is still coming
out of Grandma's head, and bare-breasted
women are everywhere.

Note: today's prompt was to write a few nonsense sentences, like "The raindrops tap out a cry for help." Come up with a message and assign it to something unlikely. Revise and make a poem. I came up with the first line, and the rest just happened!


Richelle Dodaro said...

I liked this poem! Good work! The images were concrete, so it definitely worked.

Unknown said...

Your talent shines! So do bare breasted women