Thursday, April 29, 2010

Recommended Reading

I have read the skins of alders,
deciphered the scattered
Braille of lichen,the hieroglyphics
of insects long flown,

perused lost tracks of fungi
and their tendriled scouts.
sunk into the springy mats of mosses,
as secret as pubic hair.

Blots, stripes, splotches, spots,
no square inch the same as another,
yet all joined in one skin.

Reading, as rising to perch,
one noisy jay
chides my ignorance.

Can't write from the prompt today--only have a few minutes of internet access, so have pulled another from my knapsack and whittled away on it for awhile. I like this one!


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I like it too. You know how words can't have just a meaning, but they have to look right on the page as well. Yours do both.
Hope you b'day was great!

Unknown said...

Very nice. I like reading bark and moss and nature as well. Brings many visions to my mind.