Saturday, June 5, 2010

Falling Down the Well of Joy

I've fallen down the well of joy,
the water is black and crystalline
as tourmaline, pungent 
as West Virginia moonshine.

I crouch, drinking and sniffing
damp stones, caressing the spongy moss
until my knees creak with the sound
of saddle harness.

They keep pulling the bucket up
and letting it back down, I hear
their voices echo in this dripping grotto,
"hello, hello, are you still there?"

Yes I'm still here,
and no, I'm not. I flew out of this well
like a bat leaving a cave at sunset,
I visited the sweet sajuaro flowers,
frilly stickpins with yellow yolks,
sucked and sucked on what only lasts
for a day, maybe two.

The wheel of the night sky
streams overhead, all the parts
I could not see below fanned
like a poker hand. I'm betting the farm,
pushing the chips into the middle of the Milky Way
taking a chance, again.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mazel tov, my friend. Don't forget to write.