Monday, April 5, 2010

The Bestselling Memoir

It is all true, of course.
Except the part about the kidnapping
which was only an exaggeration,
and actually could have happened
if I hadn't known we were only going
to Grandma's house.

It is all true, of course.
Except the part about the train wreck--
that was only added for suspense,
and besides, there was a train wreck
that year, wasn't there?
Maybe it is a metaphorical wreck...

It is all true, of course.
Except the part about the rape,
which is actually a part of the universal
female experience,
or at least the potential
female experience.

It is all true, of course.
Except the parts I embellished,
and the parts I left out
to protect the innocent,
or those who could easily be injured,
or those with damn good lawyers.

Note: Today's prompt was to get personal. Well, I didn't give my poem a name or personality exactly, but what could be more personal than memoir...right? Ha!

1 comment:

flaubert said...

I really like what you wrote here.