Friday, April 16, 2010


I love bugs!
Crawly bugs,
quickie bugs,
big bugs and small,
fuzzy bugs
and bald bugs,
I love them all!

I love to see their legs
all in a double row,
skittering, jittering,
they creepy, crawly go!

I love bugs!
Swarming bugs,
Martian bugs,
hidden under rocks,
nosy bugs,
lousy bugs,
bugs in my socks!

I love to see their spots,
so different for each one,
carapace and buggy eyes,
reflecting in the sun!

I love bugs!
Buzzing bugs,
humming bugs,
bad bugs that chew,
spotted bugs,
striped bugs,
purple bugs and blue!

Note: Today's prompt was (basically) to write a song. Here's one for the kid in all of us!

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